You may have seen my earlier Tiny Christmas Cakes post, well they're all decorated and ready for eating on Sunday.
There's such a variety of ways to decorate a Christmas Cake and doing them this way I got to do them all!
You could leave plain and just have a decorative glace fruit topping and a little cellophane:
Or traditional Royal Icing:
Beyond the simple by taking a plain iced white cake, indenting some lines to resemble brickwork and and arch you get an igloo. So simple by with a great effect. Finish off with some sugarpaste penguins to complete:
As not everyone likes fruit cake, a small amount of chocolate madeira batter and some chocolate flavoured teddy-bear coloured icing makes these little puddings:
The smaller cakes are harder to cover in fondant, and finger prints more noticeable but a good way to practice skills. I'm definately doing this next year, not loads of cake left over and plently of scope for my imagination!